Thursday, December 02, 2004

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch...

Intriguing Marvin Olasky column on the "Most Influential Philosopher Alive" (if you don't know, Olasky is a fellow Austinite and coiner of 'compassionate conservatism', as well as a member of the most endangered species of all as a conservative college professor) (found via the essential RealClearPolitics)...

Peggy Noonan analyzes the career and fall of Dan Rather and finds it...(wait for it)...Nixon-like!...

Future Weekly Jackass Maureen Dowd goes on and on about how Tom Brokaw leaving means feminism is dead or something like that (yawn!)...

The UN gets at least one thing right, affirming the right of pre-emptive self-defense when an attack is imminent (of course, there's the sticky wicket, eh, what is 'imminent'?) (hat tip to my new best friend, the Instapundit - 6,500 visitors yesterday!)...

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