Saturday, January 22, 2005

Miscellanea - Buckley's Bad Hair Day Edition

The normally brilliant William F. Buckley has a criticism of Bush's speech that I find baffling. To paraphrase Barry Goldwater: immoderation in the defense of liberty is no vice (hat tip to deacon at Power Line)...

William Raspberry thinks MLK would approve of Cosby's crusade (hat tip to Discriminations)...

Speaking of MLK, ScrappleFace reports on the Amber Alert for his legacy...

Victor Davis Hanson has a piece on the misuse of the term 'neoconservative' and its new role as a winking shorthand for 'progressives' to decry what they perceive as too much Jewish influence (via Dissecting Leftism)...

JustOneMinute has become THE place to go for debunking Krugman (but wait - they AGREE on something this time!)...

This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while...

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