Sunday, January 30, 2005

Miscellanea - The Greatest Day Edition

"This is the greatest day in the history of this country," Iraqi national security adviser Mowaffak al-Rubaie told CNN. Hats off again to the troops, both coalition and Iraqi, for making it a reality...

I've been taking some prominent Leftist bloggers to the woodshed for their lack of enthusiasm about this milestone, but Bull Moose is one Democrat who has it exactly right (hat tip to Galley Slaves)...

Not one freakin' word at Talking Points Memo - hey, Josh, the revolution is happening, and you're getting left behind...

Earlier today I posted about the Left's attempts to define away the victories of this administration - it didn't take long for the new spin to hit. Armando at the Daily Kos has a rant eerily similar to what I predicted. Guess which ink-stained finger I'm holding up, Armando...

Meanwhile, the Ghost of Iraq's Past has paid a visit. A report is out that Kojo Annan has admitted to having a part in the oil-for-food scandal - if this is true, I don't see how Kofi Annan can keep his job (hat tip to Friends of Saddam)...

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