Saturday, February 12, 2005

Miscellanea - Fire Sevan, For a Start Edition

I can't take seriously Kofi Annan's efforts at U.N. reform when we continue to see reports like this - why is Sevan just suspended (with pay, for crying out loud?)...

Speaking of Kofi Annan - the hubris of this man is astonishing - just look at this editorial in the Washington Post. Annan says the divisions of the United Nations re: Iraq give it credibility in the region(!), encourages the international community to help Iraq by rallying around the UN(!!), basically takes credit for the success of the Iraqi elections (!!!), and in the entire editorial, mentions NOT ONE DAMN WORD about the coalition forces that have given their lives to get us to this point(!!!!). Go suck an egg, Kofi (tip of the hat to RealClearPolitics)...

Abbas continues to do alright by me; we've got to make sure he gets the support he needs to keep the ball rolling...

Maureen Dowd has a Valentine's Day column up, and, naturally, finds not one, but two opportunities to take shots at Bush. I'm beginning to think Mo has a crush on George W.; Ahab wasn't this obsessed about Moby Dick...

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