Thursday, February 03, 2005

Miscellanea - Goodbye to the Old Klansman? Edition

Patrick Ruffini smells a Robert Byrd defeat in the wings...

Ruffini and JustOneMinute factcheck the Washington Post so you don't have to...

Hindrocket at PowerLine quotes Norm Coleman on the Volcker report. His verdict? Not bad...

If you're not reading Chrenkoff daily, you should be. Here he hunts down and destroys the new Democratic talking points on Iraq...

Roger Simon expands on the notion of similarities between the Volcker and Thornbough reports, and throws in future Weekly Jackass Eason Jordan, to boot...

Political Therapy on the DNC and Howard Dean...

Michelle Malkin on a scandal you might have missed (a note to the dozens [okay, 0] readers who have used my Amazon honor button to send me money - I will never quit blogging until the day I do)...

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