Saturday, February 26, 2005

Rather Excellent Tales: The White House Years

1964 - 1974: Rather serves as the White House Correspondent for CBS News (with brief layovers as the Chief of the CBS London Bureau and as a war correspondent in 1966 - I forget what war he was covering). Two of the most celebrated Rather moments occur during this period:
FUN FACT: Rather established his rock-solid reputation for journalistic integrity in the White House years:
The loose journalistic ethics that have characterized Rather�s entire career were soon evident. �Rather would go with an item even if he didn�t have it completely nailed down with verifiable facts,� wrote Timothy Crouse in his best-seller about presidential campaign coverage in the Nixon era The Boys on the Bus. �If a rumor sounded solid to him, if he believed in his gut or had gotten it from a man who struck him as honest, he would let it rip. The other White House reporters hated Rather for this. They knew exactly why he got away with it: being handsome as a cowboy, Rather was a star at CBS News, and that gave him the clout he needed. They could quote all his lapses from fact�
Rather Excellent Tales: Birth of a Legend
Rather Excellent Tales: The College Years
Rather Excellent Tales: Heading on Down to Houston Town
Rather Excellent Tales: A Star is Born
Rather Excellent Tales: On to CBS

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