Monday, April 25, 2005

Quick Shots: Doesn't Sound Like A Blog To Me

When referring to the newest venture of Arriana Huffington, I'll defer to the great Tim Blair:
Sounds like a pile of crap.
Heh. Indeed...

You've probably seen this already, but if you haven't, don't waste any time - go there right now! On the basis of this report, I'm knocking both Hillary and Kerry down (and I'm throwing in Al Gore, too!) - see their respective profiles for new odds, or just look right over there on the right hand side ------->...

It's official, again, no WMDs - how many times are we gonna make it official, anyhow?...

Eric Alterman again toots his own horn in his dispute with John Cloud. Today's highlights: he takes offense at those who thought he was touting his resume (hah!), then again makes the ridiculous assertion that Cloud said he wasn't responsible for fact-checking (with the clear implication that Cloud was talking about the Time piece). In fact, what Cloud clearly said was that, when doing a profile on a subject, you're not responsible for fact-checking every word that subject has written. And of course (need I say it?), Cloud is right. I bought the issue just because Alterman hates it...

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