Monday, February 28, 2005

Miscellanea: Minds Are Changing Edition

Michael Barone, one of the more astute political commentators around, has an excellent piece you need to read on the transformation going on in the Middle East. He also nails why Hillary, despite everything, is still to be feared as a serious contender in 2008:
...the party's most likely 2008 nominee, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton...voted for the Iraq war and has not wavered in her support -- she avoided voting for the $87 billion before voting against it. She has kept clear of the Michael Moore left and its shrill denunciations of Bush and has kept her criticisms well within the bounds of normal partisan discourse.
Agreed - Hillary is much too smart to kowtow to the Radical left...

Jane Galt is a little more cautious than Barone and I, but still hopeful...

Hey, it's a start, says Stephen Green...

The Volokh Conspiracy on the cash cow that is Bush-loathing, and the extreme measures taken to preserve it (hat tip to Instapundit)...

What's the difference between anarcho-libertarians and the far left? Not much, says Prof Bainbridge...

If this is the price of winning an Oscar, I'd rather not have one...

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