Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Miscellanea: Ay Caramba! Edition

Wow, so much good stuff out there, so little time...let's dig in, shall we?

Heather Mac Donald has a companion piece to the 'Bill Cosby Was Right' Kay Hymowitz piece in City Journal...

Betsy Newmark has a Master's in Russian, and she still has trouble with it, but don't tell that to the brilliant Kossacks, who use the occasion of a mild Condi snafu to call her a serial liar, Dr. Fraud, and assert that the lack of complete fluency means she 'can't speak Russian at all'...

Here's another Kossack genius, with the 20 rules of being a good Republican. Here's a taste of the brilliance:
16. You have to believe that Chinese communist missiles have killed more Americans than handguns, alcohol, and tobacco.
Curses! They've found us out...and we would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for you meddling kids...if I had a dime for every time I've heard a wingnut ranting about those Chinese communist missiles!...but explain, please, I'm a little slow, how can a missile have a political affiliation?...Man, these guys are on a whole 'nother level...

Speaking of the Daily, sorry, Daily Kos, he's cancelled his subscription to Time, but it doesn't have anything to do with a hissy fit over Ann Coulter being on the cover...oh, no, he's quitting because of Time's conservative bias!...BWAAA HAAA HAAAA....oh, stop it man, my sides hurt, that's too much!...

Speaking of hissy fits, over Ann Coulter and otherwise, champion whiner Eric Alterman skewers Time for, yep, it's conservative bias, and then adds:
While I�m alienating my friends, here, I suppose it is as bad a time as any to point out that Time�s political balance of columnists is badly skewed to the right in direct contrast to Newsweek�s. While the latter has the almost always excellent and genuinely liberal Jon Alter, together with the undeniably bleeding-heart Anna Quindlen to balance George Will and Robert Samuelson and Fareed Zakaria, who is perhaps America�s most thoughtful conservative pundit, now that David Brooks has decided to become something else entirely.
Hey, I'm as shocked as you...Alterman has friends?...

Whaddya say we stick with the hissy fit theme? Here's the all-new, improved, Andrew Sullivan Emotionalert Meter...

And another model from Wizbang, Ace, and Allah, which I will proudly display on this blog (oh, and scroll down a little for Wizbang's post on the Kossacks and Benedict was posted before mine, so I'll gladly throw a link...what can I say? The Kossacks bring out the best in all of us)...

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