Friday, August 12, 2005

More Progress From England

Blair's government is keeping up the heat on radical Islamists by intituting a ban on the return of the hateful cleric Sheik Omar Bakri Mohammed, who fled Britain in haste to seek refuge in Lebanon. The details:
In a statement today, the Home Office said that Charles Clarke, the home secretary, had written to Sheik Mohammed to tell him he no longer has the right to live in Britain. "The Home Secretary has issued an order revoking Omar Bakri Mohammed's indefinite leave to remain and to exclude him from the U. K. on the grounds that his presence is not conducive to the public good," the statement said.

The government's move came a day after it announced that it had seized and planned to deport Abu Qatada, another British-based cleric accused of fomenting violence against the West, along with nine other foreigners suspected of posing threats to national security.

Good for England, and good for the world. We need more clear, unequivocal actions of this sort...

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