Thursday, January 13, 2005

Miscellanea - Is ANOTHER UN Scandal Brewing? Edition

The ever-resourceful Claudia Rosett looks at the early audits released by Volcker and company and finds some troubling discrepencies in the UN Compensation Commission, yet another program with a budget of billions and lax oversight...

The Radical Left will be engaging in a 'Bush Blackout' on January 20th. Quoting from the website:

On January 20th, 2005, Millions [sic] of People [sic] around the World [sic] will protest the Inauguration of George W. Bush in one form or another. How will you make your voice heard? is suggesting that you be heard through your silence by blacking out your website or blog for the day and displaying a short message of protest.
I'm not sure what these clowns are protesting (the fact that a democratic election didn't go their way?), but what a gift to the world - a whole day of silence from a majority of 'Progressives'! 2005 is off to a whale of a start...

Absolutely, positively DO NOT MISS this David Letterman Top Ten List (hat tip to VodkaPundit by way of Pejmanesque)...

President Bush talks about his faith in the Washington Times...

Howard Fineman on the declining relevance of the MSM and the surging force that is 'Blogger Nation' (hat tip to Mickey Kaus)...

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