Sunday, January 30, 2005

Miscellanea: Note to Maureen Dowd - Catch a Clue! Edition

The day of the historic Iraqi elections, Maureen Dowd chooses to write about - women wearing thongs at Guantanamo? Is this some kind of sick joke? What newspaper would publish this crap? Oh, wait, the New York Times...

Elsewhere at the esteemed Times, that other substitute for toilet paper known as Frank Rich's column harps about the elections being another in a string of 'false endings' to the war - uh, Frank, what the hell are you talking about? I've never, NEVER seen a Bush official say the troops were coming home one minute earlier than is necessary to complete the job. Talk about your alternate history...

As part of my continuing search for liberals who get what happened today, I refer you to Dean's World. Well said...

You might have missed this one, but remember that stink about the missing computer disks at Los Alamos? The ones that five people lost their jobs over? They never existed...

Ann Althouse has the best skewering yet of the John Kerry Meet the Press appearance...

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