Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Miscellanea - The Mighty Kos Edition

The Weekly Standard seems to take the Daily Kos a lot more seriously than my man Chrenkoff...

Speaking of the Kos, he's unimpressed with the SOTU. Are you shocked? (Notice how defending marriage against judicial activism is turned into 'demonizing gays')...

It seems Howard Dean is heading for the DNC chair. Have the Democrats learned nothing?...

Truly excellent SOTU wrap-up from Patrick Ruffini...remember how George W.'s pa was always hit with the 'lack of vision' thing? Can't say that about the son...

VodkaPundit finds the Democratic response to be...(well, you'll have to click here to see)...

Now for something completely different - check out this eerily beautiful photo over at bebere's...

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