Sunday, June 05, 2005

Blogging to Make the Grade

Like almost all bloggers, I border on the obsessed (okay, I'm full-blown flat-out crazily obsessed) with my site statistics (we're a vain bunch - most of us don't mind spending hours and hours for no pay, but by golly, we love the hits!). Maybe that fades with time...I'm not as stressed about it as I once was, having seen big traffic come and go and come and go, over and over again (and I've only been blogging since November!). I love looking in to see who is linking, though, and I've noticed some traffic coming from an intriguing source.

Press Control Shift is the home blog of PMGT 218: Politics and the New Media at the GWU Graduate School of Political Management. The reason it came to my attention is that I got some links from the registration page of the class. Seems Decision '08 is one of the 20 blogs offered to students of the class from the right-hand side of the blogosphere. I'm actually quite pleased with that; it also makes me wonder if any of my commenters have come from the class.

It's an interesting idea, and what makes it even more interesting is that the class is developing their own blogs as part of the assignment. Why not do your part for higher education and pay one or two a visit (you can find their blogroll at the Press Control Shift site mentioned above)? Here's a couple of links to get you started (but remember, be nice...and tell 'em Decision '08 sent ya!):

From the Left: The Femocrat
From the Center: Centrifugal Force
From the Right: A Schwartzenegger Republican

I'll check in with some others from time to time, hopefully. What will really be interesting will be seeing if any of the blogs keep alive after the class ends...let's hope so, bloggers love company! Have a great week, everyone...

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