Friday, June 03, 2005

Rather: I'm a Victim of My Own Shortcomings

Appearing on Larry King Live, Rather also continued to deny the infamous National Guard documents were forgeries:

The veteran newsman told King that he considered both men conservative, and therefore not totally unbiased, in the probe...

"The situation we had and still have is the last line of this hasn't been written. I've acknowledged that we didn't do it perfectly. I wish we had."

"Journalism is not a precise science," Rather added.

Although admitting the documents had weaknesses, he said that "the facts were supported by all kinds of things other than the documents."

Thornburgh and Boccardi, he noted, found the story wasn't the result of political or personal bias. They also weren't able to prove the documents were fraudulent.

In related news, John Kerry told Decision '08 that he, too, was a victim of his own shortcomings:
"As you know, politics is not a precise science. Many people use my statements that I have signed the Form SF-180, or that I have promised to sign the form, or indeed that such a form exists, to imply that said form will or must or shall be signed by me, or by someone acting on said person's behalf, and furthermore, that the signing of said form should be subsequently followed by delivery of the required documentation to the appropriate repository, whereupon inquiries could be made in the proper manner. We can do better: I have a plan..."

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