Friday, December 31, 2004

Miscellanea - Special Drudgalanche Edition

Q: What's more powerful than an Instalanche? A: A Drudgalanche. Cheese and Crackers has put up some amazing video of the tsunami, and after a link from Matt Drudge, has seen its hit numbers EXPLODE (hat tip to Michelle Malkin)...

Another question, this time for Michael Moore. If Bush's seven minutes in Florida could have made a difference, how about Kofi Annan's three day ski vacation?...

The Diplomad has more good thoughts on the UN, its response, and the criticism of US 'stinginess'...

Donald Sensing links to a report that suggests the death count may yet triple, or worse. Let's pray the report is wrong. There are many things to be thankful for as we end this year; one is that we are, simply, alive. Just one more reminder to look at that big box to the right, and ring in the New Year in the best possible way, by giving of your generosity.

Thanks to everyone who's been here in my brief time blogging. I hope to see you many times in 2005. Be safe, have fun, and go Longhorns! Beat Michigan!...

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