Monday, February 21, 2005

Miscellanea: Secrets of the Daily Kos Edition

Markos Zuniga reveals all: "One of my dirty little secrets -- I read very few books." Stop the presses! - and yet you're such an astute observer of the political scene, Markos. I grudgingly concede that Markos has a point in labeling Hunter S. Thompson the 'first blogger', though no blogger, right or left, can write with the intensity of Mr. Thompson...

Speaking of the Kosians, watch the Left try to grapple with pointless, obviously false innuendo concerning Karl Rove (hat tip for both Kos tips to Little Green Footballs)...

Betsy's Page links to a Washington Post story about a homeless man in my hometown who's taken the Ten Commandments all the way to the Supreme Court (they don't say Keep Austin Weird for nothing)...

Pejmanesque on a Nobel Prize-winning economist making the case for Social Security reform...

Speaking of Nobel Prize-winning economists (and who isn't, these days?), don't miss this 'Annie Hall' moment in OpinionJournal...

Finally, good news on the international front: North Korea, having failed to blackmail us, is changing course; Israel has released 500 Palestinian prisoners after Sharon won approval for a Gaza pullout and Abbas won the backing of the Fatah movement; and that insane unilateralist leader of ours is overseas mending fences with the Europeans (curse you, George Bush, you warmonger, you!)...

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