Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Kofi Annan: The Drumbeat Grows Stronger

Not one, but two, calls for the resignation of Kofi Annan in today's Wall Street Journal. First up is Sen. Norm Coleman, chairman of the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, and a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. His seven-month investigation of Oil-For-Food puts the price tag of the diverted funds at $21 billion. Coleman repeats the charge that the UN has our blood on its hands, since we were not only forced to act by a UN that had every incentive to keep the oil-for-food corruption going, but it may in fact be part of that very $21 billion that was diverted from the program that is funding the insurgents who have killed so many of our fine Americans. Coleman calls Oil-For-Food "the most extensive fraud in the UN's history".

Next up is (who else?) Claudia Rosett, who rehearses the timeline of Kofi's highly selective disclosures of his son's conflict of interest with the Oil-For-Food program. I, for one, hope Ms. Rosett uses her investigations as the basis of a book-length study of this fiasco.

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