Thursday, July 14, 2005

Quick Shots: Kyoto No! Gingrich Si!

The redoubtable Tim Blair has one of those Kyoto comparisons I find so interesting. Ever wonder where those Kyoto 'fines' would go? Tim has the answer:
Most of that cash, by the way, would be sent to Russia, who you might remember from such environmental successes as Chernobyl.
The good Dr. Shackleford has the latest on the London bombers, including the involvement of a Professor and a Jamaican national...

Resistance is futile! (If Newt runs on an immigration and border control platform, that is)...

Here's more on Rehnquist...Erick, I anxiously await your analysis! Is it curtains for Gonzales? So long, Garza? Enquiring minds want to know...

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