Monday, April 18, 2005

Miscellanea: The Favorite Bloggers of the Favorite Bloggers Edition

John Hawkins asked some of the big-time bloggers who their own favorites were; to the surprise of no one, I'm nowhere to be found (hat tip to Tim Blair)...

Our good friend Fargus says he's a John Edwards man...

Reason's a little behind the times on this one, but I still enjoyed the review of The Anti-Chomsky Reader (yes, I read it; and yes, it's great)...

Michelle Malkin beat me to the Hinchey story, it turns out...

Interesting story in the NY Times about The Atlantic Monthly - it's the only magazine I still subscribe to, and it's losing money like crazy. Oh, yeah, I can pick 'em (it really is a great magazine, though)...

Al-Jazeera is under fire again...this time it's the Iranians that hate it...

You know, you plug along, try to think of good posts, build some traffic, and fool yourself into thinking you have a pretty decent blog...then you take one look at, oh, Jay Rosen's tour-de-force interview with the Wall Street Journal Online's Bill Grueskin, and you realize just how far you have to, is Rosen thorough...he's the Arthur Chrenkoff of the press beat...

Speaking of Chrenkoff, read this post, then, when morons like Terry Jones ask if Iraq's worth it, you'll have an even better answer then before...

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