Friday, April 22, 2005

Miscellanea: Special Fundraising Edition

Yesterday, in my post on the 'trashing' of Hillary, I mentioned that her ties to Hollywood were a matter of public knowledge. This is a timely reminder of why that's not a positive...

On the other hand, no one may ever find out about it. Will at Vodkapundit has that scoop (well, we've got the blogs, thank God)...

The great Chrenkoff with more on the vast leftwing conspiracy...

Punditish has some thoughts on Delay's ill-conceived attack on the judiciary...

Depressingly, our high schools aren't getting any better, and Bill Gates is trying to do something about it...The Bernoulli Effect has the story...

I notice Josh Marshall has finally begun blogging about something other than Social Security reform again in a few posts...and he's having a fundraiser...coincidence?...

Dan Drezner on political bias in the academy (the Reader's Digest Condensed Version) : Does it exist? ...yep...Does it matter?...not much...Cure worse than the disease?...oh, yeah...

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