Monday, February 14, 2005

Miscellanea - In Other News Edition

Okay, enough of the vanity posting (did I mention I was in the New York Times today?). Here's another Times article that has increased my growing hopes about peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Let's hope this newfound warmth continues...

I haven't mentioned the Day by Day cartoon strip by Chris Muir yet. I should have. I'm rectifying that now...

Congratulations to Jayson at PoliPundit on replacing Mickey Rourke as the Pope of Greenwich Village...

The 21st installment of Good News from Iraq by Arthur Chrenkoff - holy cow, the guy's good...

Good to see Howard Dean hasn't lost any of his politesse...

CBS has called Ohio for Bush - may I be the first to say, congratulations, Mr. President?...

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