Sunday, February 13, 2005

Miscellanea - Piling on Dean Edition

Professor Bainbridge on the Democratic Party under Howard Dean: "a political party is in bad trouble if its most plausible "centrist" is a left-liberal like Hillary Clinton." Of course, there's Joe Lieberman, but he needs to be a Republican anyway...

The American Mind has brought back the Dean Duck Hunt, and yours truly is featured in the latest installment...

Richard Cohen has an article on the 2008 hopefuls in the National Journal (hat tip to RealClearPolitics)...

Meanwhile, while apparently vacationing in an alternate universe, the New York Times talks about 'the journalistic tempest' that led to Eason Jordan's resignation, and Howard Kurtz tells us it was a bipartisan uprising...

Leftist hack Josh Marshall has apparently adopted an all-Social-Security, all-the-time format...

One Hand Clapping has some thoughts on North Korea's 'surprise' nuclear announcement...

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