Thursday, June 16, 2005

Romney To Back Ban On Same-Sex Marriages

Speaking of Mitt Romney (and we were, earlier)...

In a move that I'm sure has nothing at all to do with shoring up support for a 2008 presidential run among religious conservatives, he has come out in favor of a ban on gay marriages through an amendment to the Massachusetts constitution. Oh, wait, seems others see higher aspirations as well:

Gay marriage supporters said on Thursday that they hoped opposition to same-sex marriage has decreased now that about 6,000 same-sex weddings have taken place over the last year. They accused Mr. Romney of trying to appeal to conservatives outside Massachusetts in preparation for a possible run for president.

"We believe he's projecting himself to a national Republican audience," said Marty Rouse, campaign director for MassEquality, a group that supports gay marriages.

Regardless of your stance on the issue, it's a smart move, politically; it defuses the Massachusetts gay marriage issue in one fell swoop - 'See, I'm against it. I think marriage is properly between a man and a woman.' This is what is called a win-win, particularly since Romney is not likely to get a large percentage of the gay vote, if historical trends are any indicator...

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