Monday, March 21, 2005

Miscellanea: Spring is Here Edition

I'm not a fan of the heat...if you've lived in Austin, or been here in the summer, you'll know why (all my northern readers are warming up on the world's smallest violins at the moment). Still, spring is upon us, and speaking of northern readers, our good friend bebere wants to hear about your favorite poem (April is National Poetry Month)...

The best title for a blog entry about Lawrence Summers? How about "Elmer Fudd Goes To Cambridge"?...

I've posted quite a bit on my euphoria over the Texas Tech men and their Sweet Sixteen appearance...tonight, the Lady Raiders try to join them (go Red Raiders!)...

JustOneMinute posts on a blogging tactic I've yet to employ (but never say never!)...just make stuff up!; oh, and I'll take your bet, and I say Maureen Dowd....

That widely quote ABC News poll on Terry Schiavo? Let's just say it pays to read the fine print...

More on the Schiavo controversy from our old friend Carpe Bonum...

The Jawa Report has an excellent post up; funny how these weapons-related stories keep popping up - why, it's almost as if Saddam...naaaahhhh, Bush Lied, People Died, and Social Security is in Great Shape, right, Josh?...

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